Review from BSO

Here’s a nice review from the website of the music i wrote for the Documentary “La Fano dei Cesari”.

If you’re interested you can listen and buy this soundtrack on ITUNES , just click on the cd cover.

Cinematic Film Music Scores, Kristian Sensini

MundoBSO                                                                               Nota media: 7

Con referencia expresa a la banda sonora de Hans Zimmer para Gladiator (00), el compositor saca provecho de limitados recursos presupuestarios para recrear con su música un entorno fastuoso y épico. Emplea samplers, percusiones y flautas étnicas que aportan un tono exótico, también misterioso, y lo hace escueta pero muy solventemente.
With specific reference to the music of Hans Zimmer for Gladiator (00), the composer takes advantage of the limited budgetary resources to recreate an environmental epic and fastuous music. He uses samplers, percussions and ethnic flutes that bring an exotic tone, also mysterious, and makes a brief but very reliable work.