Perchè hanno scelto un altro compositore e non me?
In questa lista di 50 punti Richard Kraft (manager di tanti compositori famosi come Desplat, Bacalov, Badalamenti, Beltrami, Debney, Elfman, Menken, Yared
In questa lista di 50 punti Richard Kraft (manager di tanti compositori famosi come Desplat, Bacalov, Badalamenti, Beltrami, Debney, Elfman, Menken, Yared “La sorpresa” is a 2015 Italian film directed by Ivan Polidoro. It’s the story of three people and their relationship, unwanted,
Premiere 10 December 2015 (Italy) Scroll Down to listen to samples and for English Translation È la storia di un rapporto a
I’m happy to share with you this beautiful documentary I wrote the music for “Vive solo chi si muove!” Directed by Marco
Here’s the official trailer for one of the latest projects I’ve wrote the music for, the korean thriller “The Frog In the
I’m happy to share this news with you, I’ve received my 10th nominee at the Jerry Goldsmith Film Music Awards (5 years
For my english speaking friends: this post talks about the soundtrack I wrote for an italian TV series (RaiUno). It is a
In May I had the privilege to meet in person Alan Silvestri, one of my personal heroes and one of the reasons